Why EatLittle

Weight control and treatments for obesity have been the subjects of a large amount of suggested diets, methods and procedures, including, in the most severe cases of morbid obesity, device implantations and/or direct surgical interventions.

In addition to EatLittle™, four other major streams of commercial products are currently available for the treatment of obesity.

The advantages of EatLittle™ over these technologies are discussed below.

Dietary regimens, and diet-related supplements and treatments

Currently, there is a large number of diets, dietary supplements, dietary regimens, and combinations thereof, and their number is constantly growing (Malik V.S. et al., 2007 *1). However, in the majority of cases, these weight loss strategies do not work, or their success is very limited. The success of these techniques often varies widely between individuals, and they are often not sustainable beyond their first year (Dubnov-Raz et al.,2008 *2), with the blame for the lack of success routinely put on you.

EatLittle™ offers:

An alternative, or a complimentary addition, to any diet

In the majority of cases, weight loss diets are accompanied by unpleasant, annoying and even irresistible feeling of hunger. EatLittle™ can replace or substantially improve any such diet. EatLittle™ is best administered concurrently with a Low Sodium Diet.

Reliable support in the starting period of any diet

The first days of any diet are very tough when hunger is very strong. EatLittle™ can ease this period without complications.

Support for significantly lower meal portions

For any chosen dietary regimen based on increased metabolism and hunger suppression. EatLittle™ helps you adapt to a new routine based on regular daily meals with much lower meal portions.

Successful body weight reduction sustainable for a long time period

Regular use of EatLittle™ will help maintain the achieved weight loss for a substantial time period. Moreover, after more than 3 months of regular EatLittle™ intake, it can be expected that the newly acquired alternative eating habits involving regular meals with reduced meal portions, will take firm roots.

*1 Malik VS, Hu FB., Popular weight-loss diets: from evidence to practice. Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine 2007, 4:34-41.

*2 Dubnov-Raz, G. Berry EM, The Dietary Treatment of Obesity. Endocrinol Metab Clin. N Am, 2008, 37:873-886

Pharmacological Treatment using Specifically Developed Medications

After numerous attempts to introduce various anti-obesity drugs to the US and the EU markets, presently only two medications remain approved for sales in the USA, Orlistat (Xenical, Roche Laboratories, Nutley, NJ, USA), and Sibutramine (Meridia, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL, USA). Drugs like Accomplia, Rimonabant, Phenytoin, and Phenolphthalein, have been banned from sale in the US and in Europe. There are calls for a ban of the controversial weight loss drug Alli being sold online. The range of side effects (Powers PS et al., 2008 *1, Fernstrom JD et al., 2008*2, Bray GA et al. 2007 *3) recently included potential liver damage for Xenical (Umemura T et al., 2005 *4) and from cardiovascular problems to suicidal tendencies and severe mood alterations for Meridia (Florentin EN et al., 2007 *5).

EatLittle™ offers:

Non-pharmacological, purely mechanical volume-reducing action from inside the stomach

EatLittle™ presents an alternative anti-obesity treatment to any available drug, while excluding any possibility for drug-evoked side effects, some of which can be quite serious and life-threatening (Kolanowski J 1999 *6). Since the effect of EatLittle™ is non-pharmacological and purely mechanical, any risks to the liver and the brain associated with drug metabolism are eliminated.

Possibility for complete and controlled disintegration and expulsion

In case of discomfort, just purposefully drink hot beverages (min 45oC) and any remaining EatLittle™ pseudobezoars in the stomach will reduce their effectiveness and disintegrate. Hot water accelerates self-disintegration of the fiber “bites”. The constituent fibers from which EatLittle™ is built will leave the gastrointestinal tract in a non-obstructive and natural way.

Flexible, dosage-dependent, customer-controlled gastric volume reduction

You can completely control the amount of gastric volume reduction that you feel comfortable with, by daily intake between 1 to 4 capsules of EatLittle™ . Single capsules may be taken with two cups of water to create a sense of fullness to avoid snacking.

*1 Powers PS, Bruty H. Pharmacotherapy for Eating Disorders and Obesity. Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin N Am, 2008, 18:175-187.

*2 Fernstrom JD, Choi SJ. The development of tolerance to drugs that suppress food intake. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2008, 117:105-122.

*3 Bray GA, Ryan DH. Drug Treatment of the Overweight Patient. Gastroenterology 2007, 132:2239-2252.

*4 Umemura T, Ichijo T, Matsumoto A, Kiyosawa K. Severe hepatic injury caused by orlistat. American Journal of Medicine, 2005, 119:E7-E7.

*5 Florentin EN, Liberopoulos, Elisaf MS. Sibutramine-associated adverse effects: a practical guide for its safe use. International Association for the Study of Obesity, Obesity Reviews, 2007, 9:378-387.

*6 Kolanowski J. A Risk-Benefit Assessment of Anti-Obesity Drugs. Drug Safety 1999, 20:119-131.

Invasive Surgical Procedures Related to Gastric Volume Reduction

Surgical procedures related to significant gastric volume reduction have been proven to be effective. With respect to the modification of gastrointestinal anatomy, the intervention can be permanent (Roux-en-Y bypass, biliopancreatic diversion, sleeve gastrectomy, etc. (le Roux CW et al., 2005 *1, Encinosa WE et al., 2009 *2) or temporary (gastric banding, (Chau WY et al., 2005 *3)). These procedures are reliable for sustainable weight reduction but are invasive, and are associated with patient mortality and morbidity (Lancaster RT et al., 2008 *4).

EatLittle™ offers:

Non-surgical, non-invasive, painless, and safe gastric volume reduction

In contrast to bariatric surgery, EatLittle™ provides gastric volume reduction in a totally non-invasively way, only through an oral intake of a plain capsule, and without any surgical intervention. Thus, all adverse effects associated with bariatric surgery are eliminated.

Reversible and dynamically-controllable gastric volume reduction

Surgical modifications of gastrointestinal anatomy are either irreversible, or another surgery is needed to reverse these modifications. EatLittle™ can be taken at variable dosage, thus a dynamically controlling the amount of volume reduction. In addition, it can be disintegrated on demand by purposefully drinking hot beverages (min 45oC), thus ensuring a completely non-invasive reversal of its volume-reducing effects. Hot water accelerates self-disintegration of the fiber “bites”.

Positioning of the pseudobezoars in the lesser curvature of the stomach, rather than in the fundus

Clinical research indicates that EatLittle™ pseudobezoars position themselves in the area of the lesser curvature in the corpus or the proximal antrum of the stomach, which is dense of gastric mechanoreceptors.

Reduced cost for both- you, the customer, and the health system

Therapy based on EatLittle™ is of substantially lower cost than any bariatric surgery.

Full customer control

EatLittle™ is a dietary supplement and does not require the involvement of medical doctors, medical practitioners, dietologists, dietary centers and the like, as long as you follow the instructions on the label.

*1 le Roux CW, Bloom SR. Why Do Patients Lose Weight after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass? Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2005, 90:591-592.

*2 Encinosa WE, Bernard DM, Du D, Steiner CA. Recent Improvements in Bariatric Surgery Outcomes. Medical Care, 2009, 47:531-535.

*3Chau WY, Schmidt HJ, Kouli W, Davis D, Wasielewski A, Ballantyne GH. Patient Characteristics Impacting Excess Weight Loss Following Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding. Obesity Surgery 2005, 15:346-350.

*4 Lancaster RT, Hutter MM. Bands and bypasses: 30-day morbidity and mortality of bariatric surgical procedures as assessed by prospective, multi-center, risk-adjusted ACS-NSQIP data. Surg Endosc 2008, 22:2554-2563.

Intragastric Balloons or Bezoars

Intragastric balloons endoscopically positioned in the stomach to reduce the effective gastric volume have been found effective in inducing early satiety and a sensation of fullness, thus contributing to reduced food intake, which has been reliably related to sustainable weight loss (Dumonceau JM et al., 2008 *1 ). Although intragastric balloons have shown to be effective in addressing the problem of obesity, they remain invasive and can be associated with serious, and sometimes, life-threatening side effects (Cubattoli L et al., 2009 *2; Ruiz D et al., 2009 *3; Koutelidakis I, et al., 2009 *4) .

EatLittle™ offers:

Complete non-invasive administration and removal

In contrast with intragastric balloons, EatLittle™ is not endoscopically positioned but swallowable as a plain capsule. It is self-disintegratable, or can be disintegrated on demand in a faster way by purposefully drinking hot beverages (min 45oC).

100% biocompatibility

EatLittle™ is made of natural fibers and not of silicon like the invasively positioned, inflated and deflated intragastric balloons.

Permeability and lack of danger for intestinal obstruction

EatLittle™ is permeable to fluids and gases, and even if it reaches the intestines before completely disintegrating, it will ensure normal movement of physiological fluids and gases.

Easy maintenance and control by the consumer

You control the rhythm of EatLittle™ intake, the quantity of capsules per dose (without overdosing), and the removal of the pseudobezoars from your body without the need of medical assistance.

*1 Dumonceau JM. Evidence-based Review of the Bioenterics Intragastric Balloon for Weight Loss. Obes Surg 2008, 18:1611-1617.

*2 Cubattoli L, Barneschi C, Mastrocinque E, Bonuccwi P, Giomarelti PP. Cardiac arrest after intragastric balloon insertion in a super obese patient. Obesity Surgery 2009, 19:253-256.

*3 Ruiz D, Vranas K, Robinson DA, Salvatore L, Turner JW, Addasi T. Esophageal perforation after gastric balloon extraction. Obesity Surgery 2009, 19:257-260.

*4 Koutelidakis I, Dragoumis D, Papaziogas B, Patsas A, Katsougianopoulos A, Atmatzidis S, Atmatzidis K. Gastric Perforation and Death after the Insertion of an Intragastric Balloon. Obes Surg 2009, 19:393-396.